OBGYN Doctor Accepting New Patients in Eugene, OR
OBGYNs provide essential care for women’s reproductive health, offering screenings, pregnancy care, and treatments for various conditions. They play a key role in the early detection of health issues like cancer and hormonal imbalances. Regular visits ensure personalized care, promoting overall well-being through every stage of life. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 911 Country Club Rd. Suite 222, Eugene, OR 97401.
Table of Contents:
How can I make a same-day appointment with an OBGYN doctor if I live in Eugene, OR?
How can I find an OBGYN doctor in Eugene, OR who takes my insurance?
What questions should I ask when finding a new doctor?
When should I see an OBGYN?
What procedures will Dr. Richard Beyerlein MD perform?
If looking to schedule a same-day appointment in the Eugene, OR area, assistance is available. While same-day appointments cannot be guaranteed, every effort will be made to accommodate them as promptly as possible.
To make a same-day appointment with us, you can do so through our website by clicking “Book Now” at the top of the page. Doing so will take you to a page where you can make your same-day appointment. Please note that we will call you to confirm your appointment and we also ask that you wait until you receive the confirmation call before coming to your appointment.
To find an OB-GYN doctor who accepts your insurance, the insurance company’s website should provide you with a list of participating OB-GYN providers in the area. At Pacific Women’s Center in Eugene, OR, our OBGYN team accepts most major insurance plans. You can also call us to find out if we accept your particular insurance plan as well.
If you are looking for a new doctor, asking the right questions can make the difference between committing to a doctor who is not a good fit for you and finding an ideal match. With that in mind, some helpful questions to consider are:
• How do you handle emergencies, and how can I contact you in case of an emergency?
• Can I call or email you with non-emergency questions or concerns, and how long should I expect to wait for your response?
• How many patients, on average, do you see in one day?
• What is your communication style?
• Do you keep paper or electronic medical records at your clinic?
• What is the average wait time after scheduling an appointment?
• Do you provide same-day appointments?
• What medical provider will I see if you are unavailable?
• If I need a specialist, will you help me find the right person?
• Are you comfortable with me bringing a family member or friend to appointments?
• What is your approach to the patient-physician relationship?
• What are your areas of expertise, and what is your prior experience?
• Will you take the time to consider my opinion and concerns and respond in a way that I can understand?
• Are you board-certified?
• What insurance plans does your clinic accept?
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), your first visit to an OB/GYN should be between 13 and 15. However, many adolescent girls are okay to continue seeing a family medicine doctor or pediatrician during this age unless they experience gynecological issues, such as:
• Delayed puberty, or no breast tissue changes before age 14 or no menstrual cycles before age 16
• Sexual health concerns, including contraception
• Unable to use a tampon
• Unusually painful menstrual cycles
For young adults, middle-aged, or older women, you should see an OB/GYN if you have questions or concerns about the female reproductive system or questions regarding birth control and contraception. You should also see an OB/GYN if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
• Bleeding in between menstrual cycles
• Burning, itchiness, or painful sensations in the vagina
• Fertility or pregnancy issues or concerns
• Heavy or irregular menstrual cycles
• Pain during sexual intercourse or other sexual health concerns
• Severely painful menstrual cycles
• Vaginal discharge with a foul odor
The procedures that Dr. Beyerlein will perform at your OB/GYN appointment vary according to the reasons for your visit. In some cases, Dr. Beyerlein will not need to perform any procedures at all. The following is a list of tests and procedures that Dr. Beyerlein performs:
• Abdominal, laparoscopic, or vaginal hysterectomies
• Bladder lift
• Cervical cone biopsy
• Cyst removal
• Endometrial ablation or biopsy
• Intrauterine device (IUD) insertion and removal
• Laparoscopic tubal ligation
• Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LOOP)
• Minimally invasive gynecological surgeries
For more information about the procedures we offer at Pacific Women’s Center, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 911 Country Club Rd. Suite 222, Eugene, OR 97401. We serve patients from Eugene OR, Springfield OR, Coburg OR, Creswell OR, Cottage Grove OR, Lowell OR, and Junction City OR.
❱ Abdominal Hysterectomy
❱ Bladder Lift Surgeon Q&A
❱ Cervical Cone Biopsy
❱ Colposcopy
❱ Endometrial Ablation
❱ Endometrial Biopsy
❱ Female Sexual Dysfunction
❱ Gynecological Surgery
❱ Gynecology
❱ Hormone Therapy
❱ Vaginal Hysterectomy
❱ Endometriosis Diagnosis & Care