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Hysteroscopy – Dr. Richard Beyerlein MD

Learn about the benefits of hysteroscopy today! Call our team of professionals today at Dr. Beyerlein MD For Women’s Health or visit us online to book an appointment.

Hysteroscopy Specialist Near Me in Eugene, OR
Hysteroscopy Specialist Near Me in Eugene, OR

Table of Contents:

When should hysteroscopy be performed?
What is a hysteroscopy done for?
What is hysteroscopy?
Who is a candidate for hysteroscopy?

When should hysteroscopy be performed?

Your doctor may recommend a hysteroscopy if you have heavy menstrual periods and severe cramping, or if they need to know more about your reproductive health. By performing the procedure, they can see your cervix and uterus up close and learn what’s wrong.

The first week after your menstrual period may be the best time to schedule the hysteroscopy. Your doctor will be able to see inside your uterus more clearly with this timing. Postmenopausal women may also undergo hysteroscopy to determine the cause of unexplained bleeding or spotting.

What is a hysteroscopy done for?

A hysteroscopy can be used to diagnose various conditions, investigate symptoms, and be used operatively in the treatment of women’s health issues. Symptoms such as unusual vaginal bleeding, heavy periods, or postmenopausal bleeding may be investigated with a hysteroscopy.

If a patient is having difficulty becoming pregnant or has experienced repeated miscarriages a diagnostic hysteroscopy may be performed to determine the cause. Conditions such as fibroids and polyps (which are non-cancerous growths found in the womb) may be diagnosed. Conditions and problems can be treated such as through the removal of polyps, fibroids, displaced intrauterine devices (IUDs), and intrauterine adhesions (absent periods and reduced fertility caused by scar tissue) with an operative hysteroscopy.

A procedure called dilation and curettage was commonly used to examine and remove abnormal growths from the womb but have largely been replaced by hysteroscopies.

What is hysteroscopy?

The purpose of hysteroscopy is to diagnose and treat abnormal bleeding. Through the use of a hysteroscope, your doctor is able to observe inside your uterus. Using this thin, lighted tube, the cervix and the inside of the uterus are examined. In both diagnosis and operative procedures, hysteroscopy can be used.

The purpose of diagnostic hysteroscopy is to diagnose problems with the uterus. Hysterosalpingography (HSG) and other diagnostic tests are complemented with diagnostic hysteroscopy. X-ray dye tests are used to check the uterus and fallopian tubes with HSG. Often, diagnostic hysteroscopy can be performed in an office setting.

In addition to the above, hysteroscopy can be combined with other procedures, such as laparoscopy, or done before procedures like dilation and curettage (D&C). To view the outside of your uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes during laparoscopy, your doctor places an endoscope (a thin tube fitted with a fiber optic camera) in your abdomen. An incision is made through or below the navel to insert the endoscope.

The purpose of an operational hysteroscopy is to correct an abnormal condition discovered during a diagnostic hysteroscopy. If an abnormal condition is detected during the diagnostic hysteroscopy, an operative hysteroscopy can be performed at the same time, thereby avoiding the need for a second surgery. The hysteroscope is used to insert small instruments to correct the condition during operative hysteroscopy.

Who is a candidate for hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy has many benefits, but it may not be appropriate for all patients. Your primary care physician will consult with a doctor who specializes in this procedure to determine whether it is right for you.

Patients who are not candidates for a hysteroscopy may be able to undergo a pelvic ultrasound or endometrial biopsy in the place of a diagnostic hysteroscopy however, they will not replace an operative hysteroscopy.

Patients experiencing irregular bleeding and other women’s health issues can visit Dr. Richard Beyerlein MD. As a highly experienced and decorated practitioner of women’s health, Dr. Richard Beyerlein MD will help patients determine if a hysteroscopy is right for them.

Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy can be carried out at the Eugene, OR, clinic for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Contact our team through our website to learn more about the benefits of hysteroscopy. We serve patients from Eugene OR, Cottage Grove OR, Coburg OR, Lowell OR, Creswell OR, Springfield OR, and Junction City OR.